The World Is Your Oyster



Accepting Submissions for the upcoming issue Contact the Editor

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TWIYO is a magazine featuring work from many aspiring writers and artists to enable them to get their foot into the publishing industry.  We publish many amazing pieces of work that sadly many mainstream publishers would not consider because the author has not already been published.  This makes TWIYO an incredibly unique read, jam packed with fiction, poetry, art, travel writing and more.  The points below should help you to get the gist of what TWIYO is all about.


Focusing on the following topics:

  • University life.
  • The world of work and beginning a career.
  • Gap years and studies abroad.
  • Travel experiences.
  • Life experiences.
  • Creative writing, fiction, flash fiction, short stories and more.
  • Poetry.
  • Art of all kinds.
  • Hints and tips, travel advice, CV advice, writing and essay writing advice and more.


Who writes for TWIYO:

  • YOU DO! Submit your work today! (Before submitting please read the submissions guidelines and check out the FAQ's page).
  • Most of our writers are students, graduates, people on gap years or travelling, aspiring writers or artists.
  • But if you are not one of the above PLEASE submit anyway we seriously consider ALL submissions.
  • The magazine is edited by me: Jeffrey Louis Salkilld


Who reads TWIYO:

  • TWIYO is downloaded and read all over the world!  But our main reader base is in London and in a selection of Universities all over the UK.
  • We are constantly expanding.  If you want to see TWIYO at your University please email the editor.


Other opportunities:

  • Advertising in TWIYO.  Your advert will appear in the magazine and will fill a whole A5 page in full colour - you advert will also appear on the webiste for a period of two months - Contact Us or check out the Shop.
  • By advertising in the magazine you are supporting and funding TWIYO and enabling me to print more FREE copies for the students to enjoy.


The magazine is also supporting many aspiring writers and artists and by reading a copy you are supporting their future.  The magazine is quarterly or more frequently when we have excess submissions.  See the About Us tab for more information on the magazine and for links to some of our featured writers own websites.


VIEW or DOWNLOAD the magazine NOW - Click here.


Jeffrey Louis Salkilld 

Chief Editor


Below is a video of the route we took up Mount Kilimanjaro this summer - AFRICA ISSUE OUT SOON!


Contact the Editor for more information.  Your advert will be a full A5 page of the magazine and will be featured HERE (or on another page of your choice) for two months.

Please entitle your e-mail TWIYO to ensure that it doesn't end up in the spam folder: Contact Us

Copyright Jeffrey Louis Salkilld © TWIYO 2010.  Except as provided by the Copyright Act 1968, no part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher.  Nor may you use the name TWIYO 'The World is your Oyster' for any similar publication, amagzine, support group, TV or media without prior written permission of the editor.

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